Reimpar Geoinstalaciones
Especialista en la instalación de Geocompuestos
Solar Thermal Plants
Specialist on the installation of Geocomposites

This great project for renewable energy structures, consists of two pools for the accumulation of runoff waters and another two pools for the evaporation of the waters originating from the solar thermal plant.
All of them have been made water-proof with EPDM, which is a rubber compound, in addition to geotextiles, used for the protection of the sheets, as well as draining geocomposites. Hence using about 850.000 m2 of geocomposites.
Prior to the sealing of the EPDM, those pools were coated with quarry clay in order to retain the large entry of groundwater and the high water table to what they were subjected. Therefore in order to achieve this, we used a convoy of more than 50 bath-shaped trucks that transported 100,000.00 tonnes of clay and we did more than 3500 trips.